(Updates)To Everyone Who Has Supported Nifeliz: WE ARE BACK! - More Than 10 New Sets Teaser!

What's up, guys. I am Allen. As you know we have disappeared on social media more than one month. At the same time most of our sets are out of stock. Maybe some of you were thinking: Are this guys out of bussiness? At this time, please allow me to apologize to you on behalf of Nifeliz. Actually we have been impacted hard by the COVID-19 in US. Wait, I don't mean that there are someone in our company has been Infected. All of us have no symptoms. We are very healthy so please don't worry about the COVID-19 from us. The impact I mean is everything get slow or even stop cuz the COVID-19. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 began all over the world, the shipping company has the longest delay and the highest packet loss rate in history. Every transit warehouse and every delivery needs strict virus scanning and detection. It really makes much slower than usual. COVID-19 Anyway, we do have to make it more safe in this hard time . And amazon make a big ...