Apologize to our mistake on our street set - Nifeliz November New Sets Teaser

Hello everyone, Allen here from Nifeliz team. In the past month, we have started to make some changes to optimize our service and product quality. We rent bigger warehouses to improve our speed of packing. We hire more boys and girls to do a better customer service. We started to design some new nice sets by ourselves. Looks good but still a lot problems here. And we actually make a big mistake on packing. Due to the member changes and new warehouses, we have mistook our street sets. There are 6 street sets have been packed in the wrong box. So some of you who bought our street set in Sept got the wrong set. I apologize for our miss on this important problem and I swear we will not make this kind of things happen again. And now, all the wrong street sets have been destroyed 2 days ago. Please don't worry about that. If you got the wrong sets please contact us by our after-sale email: ayoung@nifeliz.club and give us your order ID, we will ...