In the past few months, the conflict in Ukraine has been making headlines. As a buyer interested in military technology, I have started paying attention to some weapons and equipment, especially the Kamov-27 helicopter. This is a former Soviet Navy military helicopter widely used for transportation and anti-submarine missions. According to historical information, the design work of the Ka-27 began in 1970 and the first prototype flew in 1973. Its purpose was to replace the Ka-25, which had been in service for ten years. Because it was required to use the same hangar, the Ka-27 was required to have similar exterior dimensions to the Ka-25. Like most military helicopters in the Kamov family, it uses a coaxial rotor system and does not have a tail rotor.

However, the recent conflict in Ukraine has brought new attention to the Ka-27. In this conflict, Russian forces were reportedly using the Ka-27 helicopter. While I cannot confirm the veracity of these reports, they have sparked interest in this helicopter.
Aside from the Ka-27 helicopter, I have always enjoyed Lego building blocks. However, I have not found a Lego model of the Ka-27 helicopter. Lego generally avoids using military themes in their product design to avoid negative impacts on children. Nevertheless, I am still interested in the history and technical information of this helicopter, especially its role in the current military environment, so I found the Nifeliz adult series Ka-27.
This realistic Ka-27 helicopter toy has many striking exterior features, including a two-seat cockpit, dual rotor blades, a rope hoist, fixed wheeled landing gear, twin turboshaft engines, a rear compartment and rear hatch, and dual belly doors.
In addition to its exterior features, this toy also has some very practical functional selling points. For example, a top switch on the nose can turn the front wheel and a left lever can control the direction of the dual rotors. The left lever can also control the rear hatch switch of the helicopter. The right lever can control the up and down movement of the rope hoist, and the right lever can also control the opening and closing of the belly doors.
Additionally, there are two movable parts on the tail of the toy: a horizontal tail and dual vertical tails. The two handles on the cockpit console can also move up and down, making the entire toy more realistic.
Of course, this toy also has some drawbacks. For example, the length of the rope paired with the rope hoist accessory is 120 cm, but the size space design of the axle is insufficient to store this length of rope. It can only be cut short, otherwise it is easy to get stuck or cause the rope to become tangled and unable to be properly retracted.
Overall, Nifeliz's Ka-27 is indeed a good set, adding a new collection and display item to my military model collection. I will continue to follow their military series products in the future!
Here is the link to get this:
And for more interesting builds, click the link below:
So thank you for reading, guys.
Bye-bye. Adios.
Where do i can find a pdf, with the manual guide??